Friday 2 January 2015

Good bye 2014

Here am I writing what I have set the following 20 resolutions for 2014. Until I have achieved one, then I can change a few lines, while others are staying there for good.

1.       Be Alcohol-free A Year 

2013 : [checked]
2014 : [checked]

2.       Exercise more [no lol T_T]

2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [No, quit half way]

3.       Earlier to bed [no lol T_T]

2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [half checked]

4.       Get a driving license [checked. Ps : LOL this seems to be every year’s]

2008-2013: [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked]

5.       Owns a car

2008-2013: [No, total failure]
2014 : postpone to 2015.

6.       Get Out of Debt, Pay off credit cards and save money

2011-2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked]

7.       Lost weight 

2011-2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked in guilt, I lost fats instead of weight]

8.       More Family Time

2011-2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked] 

9.       More Positive and Less Sarcastic

2011-2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked] But people say I look more grumpy and serious =.=

10.   Punctuality at work

2011-2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked, like after October lol]

11.   Spend less money. 

2011-2014 : [No, total failure]

12.   Go for a holiday [no lol T_T]

2013 : [checked]
2014 : No, as it was postpone to Jan 2015.

13.   Work less at night.
2011-2014 : [No, total failure]

14.   Learn to Knit

2011-2014 : [No, total failure]

15.   Reduce Hba1c

2013 : [checked]
2014 : [No, total failure]

16.   Ride the scariest roller coaster you can think of

2013 : [No, total failure]
2014 : [checked in guilt] lol I had a 360 degree pirate ship, at night!

17.   Stop procrastinating

2011-2014 : [No, total failure]

18.   Banish self doubt

2011-2014 : [No, total failure]

19.   Don’t feel bad on 1/1/2015 if you didn’t achieve your goals. [checked] LOLLLLL
Things I have learned in the past :
1.    Never drunk texting, and don’t spend the entirety of the hangover days hating yourself. 
2.    I can’t make everyone happy. Is not easy to keep up with everyone’s wants and needs, let alone your on. 
3.    I will never be satisfied, as it will never be enough. I have learned that, even the richest man in this world still wants more money, so I have learned to be grateful for what I have now
4.    I find out who my true friends are as we get older, we have many changes in life which include the changing of people in my life. No friendship is immune to fall out. I have look closely enough now to filter the one who truly matters now and who simply don’t deserve to make it to my future.
5.    At times, we will be prone to put up with situation we’re not proud of like misunderstanding with friends, or starting a stupid argument and so on. Even if you told yourself not to repeat some of it, yet much of it will happen again. so I have learned to stop looking back and replay what I have done. Laugh it off and learn from my mistakes and focus on how far I have made and will go. I do admit I am still a slave to my past, but seriously invoking my own suffering will not benefit me, so I have decided to just let them burn, turn ashes and walk away. 
6.    In this materialistic and realistic society, people will always have something to say and will always be someone who will judge your decisions and even bring you down. Embrace your choices and show them off proudly as no one knows your journey and why make them stop you from taking chances? Though as much people always seems to have an idea of what you should do in your life or with your life. 
7.    I have realize how blessed I am, and I was now. Besides the basic necessities of life, I am blessed with so much more than I deserve. This is the best feeling in the world to realize how lucky I am and never pass up the opportunity to say thank you
8.    I have learned not to regret things and I keep asking myself what did I learn from this.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, you can start from now and make a brand new ending.
Looking forward to 2015 :
1.       Find a better job
2.       Visit a new destination
3.       Overseas trip with bff
4.       Stop Swearing
5.       You only live once, so be random and do whatever that makes me happy
6.       Don’t be bottled up anymore, I am already to the peak of my acceptance.

Ok, enough of essay already. To conclude this whole thing, 2014 was a biaatch to me and I hope 2015 will treat me better. Last thing I have learned in 2014 is to learned to shrug off things more often, and make 2015 be the year of YOLO.

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